Hornby Island, BC – 2018

The farthest north we have dove, so far, and it was awesome. Our friends, Jason and Jeanette, created a group called Fin Life Diving and we are honored to be a part of it. If there was a motto for Fin Life, it would be ‘Diving with friends. No drama.’ This trip was organized by Jeanette and was our first Fin Life trip. An all-day traveling adventure requiring three ferry rides with the ultimate destination of Hornby Island. Located half-way up the eastern shore of Vancouver Island, it is a small, quiet, picturesque place with some incredible diving. 

Twelve of us took over the Hornby Island Diving resort for three days of diving. The resort is owned and run by excellent hosts, Rob and Amanda. The lodge is dormitory style and you are served three fabulous meals a day, all cooked from scratch by some excellent chefs. Rob captains the boat that takes you to the beautiful dives sites all around the island.

Notable sea life sightings: Tons of Ling Cod, Rockfish of all types, Giant Pacific Octo’s, Puget Sound King Crab, swimming scallops and of course Spiny Dogfish Sharks. The other notable find was a sea lion skeleton on a rock shelf completely intact. Completely stripped clean without a bone out of place.

The visibility was incredible, best we’ve seen diving cold water, sometimes up to 100 feet and the most fun we’ve had freezing our asses off in ice cold water.

We laughed, we ate, we dove, we are definitely going back.

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